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Leslie Nielsen v2

Sunday, September 26, 2010

1/6 The Kingdom: Ronald Fleury (Jamie Foxx)

 This is Ronald Fleury played by Jamie Foxx from the movie The Kingdom. This one here is my first incursion into the 1/6 kit bashes. I used a Michael Jackson slim body because I didn't know the difference between figure bodies and I thought they were all the same height and all, but with different sculpting "style". Now that the TT advanced are out I might update this guy.

 The head was sculpted by Numo, I bought one from him at a discounted price, so in theory the discount is what made me take the plunge. I tried to match the color of the skin with the arms so I wouldn't need to paint the arms. 

I made the little dio over a generic stand that came with a generic 1/6 figure body, the sand is made using some kind of putty (I forgot what kind of putty), as well as the details in the metal post, then painted accordingly. I used to make dioramas, so doing it brought back some memories.

 Jamie Foxx used a HK (Hekler & Koch) G3 in the movie, but I couldn't find it in 1/6 scale so I had to settle down with this one.



Pablo Solís said...

Mae vos sos una calidad de artista!

CheungKinMen said...

Mae pura vida por el comment P4P4, hehe, pues digamos que estoy tratando de seguir mis instintos, a veces es el dibujo, a veces la escultura, a veces el pintar miniaturas o lo que sea que venga. Si me da un bloqueo me muevo a otro lado para seguir fluyendo los liquidos creativos, haha.

Tuanis por el comment de verdad :)